"Legacy of Light."
On December 4, United Way of Northern Utah partners of all capacities came together to muse on a wonderful, successful 90th year. Gathered in the McKay-Dee Hospital Education Center and served a warm, delicious breakfast donated by McKay-Dee Hospital, we listened to McKay-Dee Hospital's Judy Williamson, who is a new UWNU board member. She spoke about McKay-Dee's local philanthropic vision and why they choose United Way of Northern Utah as a community partner in supporting Northern Utah.
Next, UWNU leader Julie Johnson (CEO) shared our vision: "We envision a resilient community where everyone achieves their full potential." How are we planning to achieve this vision? Passionately pursuing the work we're passionate about: youth opportunity, healthy communities, financial security, and community resiliency. She spoke about our 90th year, where we started with the Jail 'N Bail Fundraiser in November 2023, ending with this very event.
Former Board Chair Tim Wheelwright talked about his legacy of light - how his contributions to UWNU put some light back into our community.
At UWNU, a lot of our work is centered around youth opportunities and education. We were grateful that students from East Ridge Elementary School came to share their talents with us. The 2nd Grade sang Christmas songs in English and Spanish, and the Mariachi Band showcased some of the songs they were learning for the school year.
We are so grateful for such a beautiful end to our 90th birthday. It's been an incredible 90 Years, and we are so excited to serve our community for another 90. We'll see you in 2025!