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Donor Information Privacy Policy

Board approved on April 16, 2009


We Unite people and organizations to build a healthy, stable, and well-educated community where individuals, families, and neighborhoods thrive.


United Way of Northern Utah (UWNU) has adopted the following Donor Information Privacy Policy to inform its contributors of the collection and retention of contributor information.


1. Contributors are requested to provide certain personal information to UWNU, such as home address, phone number, e-mail, and other contact information. The primary purposes of this information are to allow UWNU to comply with donors’ restrictions and designations, to provide donors with charitable gifting tax information and for donor recognition and communication programs. The information is retained in the financial records of UWNU for financial recording and internal financial accounting control purposes.

2. To protect the confidentiality of personal information, UWNU uses appropriate technical and internal control measures to limit access to and control the retention of the information to ensure its use and access is limited to the above noted purposes.

3. Personal information obtained by UWNU will not be communicated outside UWNU unless required by law or authorized by the donor.

4. UWNU does not sell or rent donor information of any kind to outside parties.

5. Donors may review their personal information and specify the correction of this information, oppose the retention of the information, or request its elimination from UWNU records. Questions concerning this Donor Information Privacy Policy or the security of personal information processed by UWNU should be addressed to: Chief Financial Officer, United Way of Northern Utah, 2955 Harrison Boulevard, Suite 201, Ogden, Utah 84403.

6. UWNU retains personal information, only as long as necessary, for the purposes stated and to comply with Federal and State record retention requirements.

7. All employees of UWNU, its Board of Directors, committee members, pertinent volunteers, and auditors are required to read this policy and to sign a statement that they have read and understand this policy and will comply with its provisions. UWNU will include a confidential provision in all contracts and agreements with all third-parties who will have likely access to donor personal information.

Gift Acceptance Policy
