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How a Turkey Made My Holiday Special

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A few anonymous community members share their memories of how a turkey made their holiday special. Read their stories below. 

Story #1: Feeling Welcomed

“After the divorce, I visited my dad for Thanksgiving. We didn't have a lot at the time. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Dad came home from a neighborhood meeting with a nice, big turkey. He told me that it was a gift for ME — from HIS community. I recall to this day how that made me feel. My Dad’s COMMUNITY actually cared about ME. How cool was that?!”  

Story #2: Learning About Giving

“My dad worked for a company that gave turkeys to their employees for the holidays. There was this one year that my DAD became THE BOSS. When he came home before Thanksgiving, he did not have a turkey with him. I was a little upset and I remember telling him that his work would have been upset if they found out that my Dad had not carried on tradition! My Dad sat me down and told me that the company HAD bought turkeys for all employees but that they had run short. So he gave our turkey to one of the people who would not have gotten one. He taught me a lot about giving that year.”

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