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Letters of Volunteer Experiences

volunteer, united way, seager memorial clinic,

Each year, the National Day of Service coincides with our Day of Caring event. This year we had over 194 volunteers give 400+ volunteer hours! Here are a few stories from one project performed at Seager Memorial Clinic. Also, a big thank you to Connection Publishing who matched and donated tampons for the kits so that women in our community can have access to basic needs. 


It was great to volunteer with United Way's Day of Caring. Seeing community come together to serve and work was very impactful. I was able to learn more about Seager and the work they are doing. Jerika told us about some of the gaps in serving the underserved, and access to feminine sanitary supplies was one of them. I met some amazing people in Weber County and we put together kits that people can take for free when visiting Seager. The group was all women working in the community and was very inspiring to see! 


There is something very special about coming together with like-minded people to serve the community. I love seeing compassion to give. Being a part of the Day of Giving made my day. Everyone should take a moment to see what opportunities there are to volunteer.


"I had a blast volunteering at Seager Memorial with United Way of Northern Utah (UWNU) on their day of giving! It was so great to be with a group of like-minded women, coming together to help others in the community that need feminine hygiene products. Jerika sharing the origin of Seager Clinic was so moving and inspirational, and I am so happy to have been part of helping the clinic today. Thanks to UWNU for hosting such a great event! 


We did the packaging for feminine hygiene kits for Seager. The clinic's mission is very dear to me so this was a great project to do. The other ladies who worked with us were great to work with- it made the work go by quick and easy. We got well over the expected 75-100 kits. We got over 350 kits done! This was an amazing project to do. 


I had such a wonderful experience participating in the day of caring at Seager. It was amazing to meet so many women doing amazing things in the community. We had so much fun and accomplished so much together! 

Want to pay it forward? View our volunteer opportunities here. 


