One of our Welcome Baby home visitors, Ariel, has been visiting a family four 4 years. When Ariel started her visits in 2020, this single mom, Candice, was living with her parents. Her and her 2 children shared a single bedroom in the home.
Candice was so great at taking care of her children and making sure they had everything they needed. They all loved the visits and the learning kits; Candice was not very social and didn't reach out to many people. Ariel was an important touch point for the mother so she had a network and could feel comforted that her children were hitting their major milestones.
In 2021, the family added another youngling to the family. When Ariel came to visit with her home visitor package with learning kits, books, diapers, and wipes, Candice got teary-eyed. She told Ariel, "I put the last diaper on my baby last night, and I don't get paid until next week. I really needed this. Thank you."
This year, Candice and her family graduated Welcome Baby, and Ariel is amazed by their progress. The mother was able to get a job and move into a spacious two-bedroom apartment that fit her and her children perfectly. Her children are attending UWNU's Learn With Playgroup to continue their school-preparedness.
During her last home visit with Ariel, Candice had saved up and collected a bag of diapers and wet wipes. Instead of accepting these from Ariel, she gave diapers and wipes to Ariel and said, "I know this is nothing compared to what you have given me for the years, but I want to pay it forward to another mother because it has made a change in my life."