A young family attended the Teddy Bear Clinic that was held by the Box Elder Early Childhood Coalition. The children, twin sisters Penelope and June, dressed up as doctors and took their stuffed bears around for a check up. They talked to the fire department and got to look at their trucks. Penelope and June were especially excited to meet the Peach Queen and accepted a crocheted stuffed animal from the jail.
All during this fun, Penelope, June, and their parents learned about preschool and early education options in the Box Elder area. They learned about Read.Talk.Play.Everyday, an initiative that supports learning in the home, the UWNU Welcome Baby and Learn With Playgroup programs, where trained volunteers help parents support their children in developmental milestones and preparing for school. Penelope and June's parents had been really concerned about their children entering preschool because many of the quality schools cost more than they were able to pay. They were so grateful that while their girls were having fun, they could talk to members of the Early Childhood Coalition about free preschools and programs like L:earn With Playgroup that would still prepare Penelope and June to enter school on-track and ready to learn, but wouldn't strain the family's tight budget.
The Box Elder Early Childhood Education Coalition's Teddy Bear Clinic gifted Penelope and June a great experience and new stuffed animals, and provided the twins' parents with critical information to ensure their daughters had access to quality education.
Embrace Read.Talk.Play.Everyday here: https://uwnu.org/get-involved/readtalkplay.html
Learn about Welcome Baby here: https://uwnu.org/ourprograms/welcome-baby/
Join a Playgroup here: https://uwnu.org/ourprograms/learn-with-playgroup/lwp-join-a-playgroup.html